As a firm whose sole mission is to align grants to fast growth firms in Canada, I have the advantage of staying connected to trends shaping the non dilutive funding (grant) landscape. I also know who is getting funded and who isn't. At times it can feel like your chance of securing a grant is like an 8 ball decision. In addition to this, covid has opened eyes of the business community about a bucket of funding they are not effectively leveraging. Given the economic soup we are in, it's time to take a step back and learn about what core business sectors are being funded and what it means for your planning going forward.
A few years back, my business was focused on a local market serving a local economy. I was 10 arms lengths away from the oil and gas market. In 2015 the oil and gas market in Alberta was in a tailspin. My business was instantly impacted (even though I had no direct clients in that sector). This economic shift created a ripple effect in the local market that most SME's had no control over. It made me shift gears and rethink what I was doing and why. To be a sustainable business I needed to pay attention to the factors influencing my business foundation. This led me to paying attention to the flow of economic forces from global to local impact. The insights gained helped me to understand what I needed to do to pivot my business.
With our interconnected world all industries are impacted by global shifts. As a result, our government (provincial and federal) begins to invest in building the economic engine by investing through grants. Something all of the business community needs to pay attention to. Here are a few of the current trends in grants I see today that are fed by this macro to micro economic patterns.
It may not seem like much of a surprise as to the winners in where money is flowing. What I suggest is not only paying attention to these markets but thinking through how your business can fit or align with these market demands. Here are the top sectors that are getting much funding attention today.
The race to find solutions to clean energy is highly impacted by the environmental conditions. Access to the flood of social media today allows us to see what is happening globally and locally. From environment to public demands, change is a top priority. Investment in this area is strong.
Beyond covid times, there is a high cost that goes along with healthcare. The debate on who owns this responsibility is shifting. This is the reality tv we see being pitched globally. The trend is not just between which level of government carries ownership but between who owns the data and how can technology help individuals track their own health. The future is bright for those who invest in technology to allow citizens to better monitor their own health. This investment will reduce pressure on the entire supply chain of resources. As budgets shrink, investment in technologies to do more with less is a grant sweet spot.
With the disconnect between high profile countries who traditionally manufactured products (cheaply for global markets) a shift is coming. With covid closing borders, and countries in shutting down export due to trade disputes, sustainable manufacturing means having consistent access to a supply chain. Countries (including Canada) and looking at investing in helping industries build a local supply chain. With Canada being rich in many natural resources, having a focus on welcoming global talent, and investing in technology advancements, we are moving the country in the right direction for global competitiveness. Watch for grants to support this in the years to come.
We can no longer close our eyes to the race for technology to improve how things are done. From investment in universities and colleges across Canada, to the drive to collaborations between business communities and innovations ( supercluster funding), Canada is setting the pace for a bright future. All businesses need to begin planning on how to effectively use digital technology to grow their business locally, nationally and internationally. Data is not only core to your decisioning making but will also influence your valuation in the future. Both provincial and federal resources are invested to support digital transformation.
I probably share this common tie with many Canadians. My roots are tied to rural farming in Canada. My grandparents immigrated from the Ukraine and settled on farm land in Manitoba. Growing up my perspective was their voice in the economy was downplayed. They didn't seem to get to centre stage. Today the voice of agriculture has flipped dramatically. With the world population growing and demand globally for a safe food supply chain being a top priority, canadian agriculture is the hot place to be. Pride in farming (on the rise) mixed with investment in technology advancements is what is making the difference. Canada is well positioned to be the global leader shifting farming practices through data driven technology. Investment in this area will be strong for long term economic growth.
Working closely with innovators in Canada, I am wowed daily by game changing technology. From fintech to retail investment, innovation is a high priority. Our government has done a great job of targeting investment to support all sectors in innovation. Although the key sectors above gain more attention, out local and nation resources are growing to help advance technology driven solutions in all sectors.
A final note on paying attention to trends. As all countries are impacted by global forces ( climate, political influences, policy, population growth, education, investment and access to capital, trade barriers, social metrics and more) it's important for local businesses to think global. Understand your industry from the macro perspective to be able to adjust and pivot as forces beyond your control bring change to your industry. By doing this you will discover where the flow of money (grants) is headed to support your growth. Change is the new normal. Be ready for change and adjust your business to take advantage of the grants for long term sustainability.
Denise is the founder of the Grant Sherpa ( A firm who guides you up the mountain of money to grow your business). The Grant Sherpa provides a unique set of eyes into your business operations to maximize and capture grant funding. As new grants surface, you want to be at the front of the line to apply. CEO's put The Grant Sherpa on speed dial as they take actions to expand locally, nationally, and internationally. Q's?