You know grant funds are available but you'll probably die of thirst trying to find them. To quench your thirst about grants, reach out.
👉 We are a fast growth company and have no time to get it done.
👉 We keep missing application deadlines.
👉 We apply but can't seem to close grants.
👉 We don't know the rules of the game.
👉 We're tech experts not grant writers.
👉 We're frustrated with the grant process.
👉 We want our association members to know about grant options.
You can grow your business with your own capital.
You can leverage equity by inviting investors to fund your business.
Banks and other financial institutions can fund your business too.
In other words, grants from the Canadian government don't require you to give up equity.
Why The Grant Sherpa?
Share Your Needs
First, we get together and we talk about your business. You tell us everything we need to know about your business and what you need funding for.
Funding Options
Finding the right grant for your business is like trying to find an oasis in the desert. Funding might dry up before you get find the right options. Once you tell us your needs, we have the exact coordinates for the oasis.
Strategy with Expert Advice
Ready for a cliche quote? "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail" said Benjamin Franklin. Once you know your options for grant funding, we implement strategy with expert advice. In other words, we plan, together.
Execution and Doing The Work.
Knowing a grant is one thing, closing a grant is the best thing. We will work with you to write, position and close a grant. Period.
We work with technology firms in key sectors: clean technology, clean energy, environmental technology, digital technology, health technology, agri-tech industry, and anything tech.
Advanced manufacturing is a key focus for economic growth. Funding is available for expanding and innovating in manufacturing.
The government invests in the growth of all sectors with respect to growth and Innovation. We help Canadian firms with grants to expand locally, nationally, and internationally. If you want to know how we can benefit your business, reach out.
We are open to supporting accelerators, trade association, or business membership groups. A coordinated approach to achieving non dilutive funding outcomes is a no brainer. Reach out to see how we can collaborate to support your business eco-system.
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